Obrázky 2000x290 Sustainability

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Waste management

The cement plant in Hranice does not produce any waste from its own technology in the cement production process, all material on a mineralogical basis is returned to the production process, i.e. it is a waste-free technology. The cement plant only generates waste as part of the maintenance of the technological equipment.

In our technology, we use suitable waste from other waste suppliers for energy and material recovery. In the energy recovery process, suitable waste is fed into the rotary kiln system for energy recovery and as a substitute for fossil fuels. Material recovery involves the addition of suitable wastes during the preparation of the raw material mix or clinker firing to recover their mineralogical/inorganic content and to replace natural sources of cement raw materials. These recovered wastes do not end up in landfills and their energy or mineralogical content is recycled.  Due to the de facto oxidation and reduction environment in the rotary kiln system with heat exchanger, the cement rotary kiln is one of the most suitable plants for the recovery of suitable wastes in the context of their energy recovery, without the production of subsequent output waste in the form of ash or slag.