Obrázky 2000x290 Betonářská laboratoř


Concrete Laboratory

The Concete lab is organizationally a part of the Plant director department of Cement Hranice company and it is located in the Control room building. It is staffed by the following:

Manager: Jiří Janota jiri.janota@cement.cz
Quality control technician: Dalibor Vývoda dalibor.vyvoda@cement.cz
BL technician: Zdeněk Maleňák zdenek.malenak@cement.cz

Email BL: betonlabor@cement.cz

Since the beginning of 2008, it has been implementing its customers' orders using a laboratory information management system.

Laboratory began operations in early 1999 and its technical facilities comprise state-of-the-art equipment which is continually subject to review and upgrading, and is thus among the most modern cement labs in the country.

Laboratory conducts testing on fresh concrete, aggregate and hardened concrete for custormer of Cement Hranice, akciová společnost. In addition to the tests performed within the scope of the annex to the accreditation certificate, our personnel also act as consultants in the area of construction binders.

Laboratory is an independent testing laboratory (no. 1284 accredited by the ČIA in which all principles of ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2018 are applied, with the aim of providing objective and reliable test results, understanding and working with customer requirements and continually improving quality management systems.